030- Chiropractic, Exercise and Response Time, Letters to Editor and Case Studies with Dr. Dean Smith

Dr. Dean SmithListen as Dr. Gregory Cramer interviews Dr. Dean Smith regarding his research involving chiropractic as well as exercise on response time, letters to editor and case studies. Dr. Dean Smith is a senior clinical faculty member in the Department of Kinesiology and Health at Miami University. He also maintains a private practice of chiropractic in Eaton, Ohio at Essence of Wellness Chiropractic Center. He is founder and host of Chiropractic Science – this podcast. Chiropractic Science is dedicated to publicizing chiropractic research through podcast interviews with leading chiropractic scientists.

In his private practice, Dr. Smith incorporates lifestyle intervention (exercise, nutrition, other non-drug methods) with chiropractic adjustments and other manual methods to encourage wellness. He has been in practice now for 20+ years. Dr. Smith’s education includes a bachelor’s degree in human biology, a master’s degree in exercise science, a doctor of chiropractic degree and a PhD in brain and cognitive science with a focus on motor behavior and postural control.

His research interests lie broadly in the area of human movement and coordination. He is most interested in how chiropractic, exercise and rehabilitation affect human performance. His scientific articles have been published in such journals as Human Movement Science, Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, Chiropractic Research Journal, Chiropractic and Osteopathy and The Open Neurology Journal.

Dr. Smith has played several competitive sports such as soccer, hockey and golf. He had a varsity golf scholarship at Miami University where he now teaches and does research. He has provided chiropractic care to professional athletes including Women’s Tennis Association tour pros at the Canadian Open. He also works with varsity university and high school athletes. Dr. Smith is also an Internationally Certified Chiropractic Sports Practitioner (ICCSP).

Here is a link to Dr. Smith’s research articles on research gate.

Below are some articles we discuss in this podcast episode:

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