Chiropractic Science – Podcast Interviews and Evidence-Based Resources

Chiropractic science interviews leading chiropractic researchers from around the world.  Hear what they have to say.

“Hear about chiropractic research from the authors in plain English, not through the media, nor a middleman”

What is Chiropractic Science?

Chiropractic science is concerned with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of the disorders of the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system, and the effects of these disorders on general health. Doctors of Chiropractic (DCs) – often referred to as chiropractors or chiropractic physicians are well known for their expertise in spinal health and well-being.

Our Mission

  • Get the word out about chiropractic science.  Part of this mission will be reached by interviewing chiropractic experts that are actually doing the research.  Making scientific findings available to the public is an important part of the research process.  Publicizing these interviews passes on the benefits of chiropractic research to other researchers, chiropractors in practice as well as practitioners from other disciplines and the wider community.
  • Encourage collaboration of researchers to promote future high quality chiropractic research.
  • Motivate and assist practitioners and students alike to pursue research careers in chiropractic science!!!!

Why Chiropractic Science

  • There is a lot of excellent chiropractic research published by top scientists in the field that deserve our attention
  • Incorporating the latest evidence into your practice of chiropractic is good for everyone
  • Reduce the evidence – practice gap and promote knowledge translation from the chiropractic research laboratory to the clinic
  • Engage clinicians in evidence based practice in a fun, easy to access manner
  • Learn from the experts and gain confidence in your knowledge and communications with others about chiropractic
  • A chiropractic resource for students, doctors and patients
human touch

Evidence based chiropractic presentation for patient and community education

2021 Edition – Slides cover articles up to December 2020.

  • Over 400 powerpoint slides in both portrait and landscape (widescreen) modes are included
  • each slide displays a short snippet from the scientific literature, with accompanying picture and reference
  • some slides include information about lifestyle, exercise and epidemiology of back and neck pain
  • the ability to customize the presentation with your logo and clinic (doctor) name (a youtube video describes how to do this using powerpoint)
  • easily modify the slides if desired to reflect your practice
  • includes a word document with all 406 references
  • expand your patient’s knowledge of chiropractic using the latest research and evidence
  • use in the office in your waiting room or adjusting rooms, or use when giving presentations to the community or to other health professionals

Your Host – Dr. Dean Smith

  • About Dr. Smith

    Dr. Smith is a clinical faculty member in the Department of Kinesiology and Health at Miami University. He was awarded the 2018 American Chiropractic Association’s Researcher of the Year Award.  He also maintains a private practice of chiropractic in Eaton, Ohio at Essence of Wellness Chiropractic Center. He is founder and host of Chiropractic Science. Chiropractic Science is dedicated to publicizing chiropractic research through podcast interviews with leading chiropractic scientists.

  • Dr. Smith’s Chiropractic Practice

    At Essence of Wellness Chiropractic Center in Eaton, Ohio, Dr. Smith incorporates lifestyle intervention (exercise, nutrition, other non-drug methods) with chiropractic adjustments and other manual methods to encourage optimal wellness. He has helped countless adults and children lead a life of wellness.

  • Education and Research

    Dr. Smith’s education includes a bachelor’s degree in human biology, a master’s degree in exercise science, a doctor of chiropractic degree and a PhD in brain and cognitive science with a focus on motor behavior and postural control. His research interests lie broadly in the area of human movement and coordination. He is most interested in how chiropractic, exercise and rehabilitation affect human performance. His scientific articles have been published in such journals as Human Movement Science, Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, Chiropractic Research Journal, Chiropractic and Osteopathy and The Open Neurology Journal.

  • Hobbies and Interests

    Dr. Smith loves doing anything active.  Hobbies include reading, golf, strength training, running…and of course podcasting.  He has played several competitive sports such as soccer, hockey and golf. He had a varsity golf scholarship at Miami University where he now teaches and does research. He has provided chiropractic care to professional athletes including Women’s Tennis Association tour pros at the Canadian Open. He also works with varsity university and high school athletes.

How to Cite a Podcast Episode

Example: Smith DL. Chiropractic Science: Chiropractic, Opioids, Adverse Drug Events, and Medicare with Dr. James Whedon [internet]. Eaton, Ohio; Aug 23, 2018. Podcast: 1:05:21. Available from: