Evidence Based Chiropractic Science Slide Show

2021 EDITION of Evidence based chiropractic science slide show.


Features of the evidence based chiropractic science slide show:

  • Over 400 powerpoint slides in both portrait and landscape (widescreen) modes are included
  • two styles of slides included: standard and “wave” style
  • each slide displays a short snippet from the scientific literature, with accompanying picture and reference
  • important note: slides reflect the terminology of the original articles and include terms such as: chiropractic care, spinal manipulation, chiropractic adjustment, manipulation, spinal manipulation therapy, manual therapy
  • relevant snippets come from a wide variety of journals found predominantly within the chiropractic and related literature documenting the benefits of chiropractic and manual therapy
  • over 35 of the 400+ references are from 2020
  • some slides include information about lifestyle, exercise and epidemiology of back and neck pain
  • the ability to customize the presentation with your logo and clinic (doctor) name (a youtube video describes how to do this using powerpoint)
  • easily modify the slides if desired to reflect your practice
  • the ability to create videos of your presentations (a youtube video describes how to do this using powerpoint 2016 or higher)
  • includes a word document with all 406 references
  • expand your patient’s knowledge of chiropractic using the latest research and evidence
  • use in the office in your waiting room or adjusting rooms, or use when giving presentations to the community or to other health professionals


Reviews of Chiropractic Science Evidence Based Slides Presentation

“We just received our copy of the excellent slide presentation from chiropracticscience.com. We are displaying these in the patient reception area of our college campus chiropractic health center here at D’Youville College. The faculty, staff, students, interns and patients are all very impressed with the quality of the slides and the content of the messages. Each slide addresses a different message derived directly from the best research publications by our profession’s most credible researchers. These messages really hit home with patients based on comments such as “I did not know that chiropractic was helpful for children” and “So chiropractic is great for back pain in pregnancy too?”. This is the kind of evidence-informed marketing we encourage our students to use when they establish their practices. No hype, no exaggerated claims; just solid information. Thank you for this contribution to our profession.”
Dr John Taylor, D’Youville College


“Just want to send Dr. Dean Smith a HUGE shout out on his phenomenal podcasts and his comprehensive Evidence Based Community Presentation for Patient and Community Education. His site is a serious go-to for providers to gain great insight to the current body of knowledge and tools to translate that knowledge effectively. Thanks Dr. Dean Smith for all you do to elevate the chiropractic profession to new heights! #KT”
Dr Jay Greenstein from Washington, DC


“I LOVE the slides!!! Well done on a fantastic product!”
Dr Craig Nelson from Australia


“After being in practice for 18 years there’s a few things I have learned, and the most important is value. These PowerPoint slides are clear, concise, attractive and educational. Don’t waste your time trying to reinvent the wheel, or “save money” – buy the slides, easily modify them and get back to helping patients or creating your practice. Two thumbs up for the podcasts! Thanks Dr. Smith.”
Dr Reid Robinson from Bermuda


“Chiropractic in Australia is facing a difficult time as we are told there is no scientific evidence for what we do as a Chiropractor. So my patients and I love Dr Dean’s slides and they are played continually in our office to inform and educate. We are getting amazing feedback from our patients. They love reading them because our patients also feel threatened by making a non pharmacological, non surgery choice in choosing Chiropractic care. Help educate your patients, get your self a copy of Dr Dean’s slides.”
Dr Dirk Jacobsz from Australia


“Very timely, very professionally done. Anyone interesting in EBM will find these slides invaluable.”
Dr Craig Benton from Texas


“I highly recommend getting the slides. They are not just good for the waiting room but also good as a reminder that the information shown is backed up by recent research. Thank you Dr Dean for your commitment to making this happen.”
Dr Radd Peters from Australia