In this upcoming episode, Dr. Meier will discuss how people move differently in the presence of (or in anticipation of) pain. Changes in motor control may play an important role in musculoskeletal pain. His lab uses a cross-disciplinary approach that combines neuroscience and movement biomechanics to provide new insights into the role of potential interactions […]

Hello Everyone,
I hope your summer is going well! There is a new podcast episode available with Dr. Jim Whedon. He has published some amazing chiropractic research. You will definitely want to listen!
038- Chiropractic, Opioids, Adverse…

Podcasts are increasingly being used for health professionals' education. They are utilized by individual practitioners, teaching institutions, and many major journals are adding podcasts to their offerings. To date, there are no evidence-based…

Hello everyone,
I wanted to share the latest episodes of the podcast with you all. Fascinating research ahead. Hope you enjoy. I'd love to hear your feedback. Also, did you know that we are on YouTube?
037- Interdisciplinary Care…

In this upcoming interview, John M. Mayer, DC, PhD, CCRP, FACSM will discuss his extensive clinical and research experience in occupational health, wellness, and therapeutic exercise. Dr. Mayer has led teams on numerous clinical trials across…

In this upcoming interview, Alice Kongsted, DC, PhD will discuss how the bio-medical/structural approach to back pain has failed and we need to implement a behavioural approach to back pain much more in practice. She will discuss the recommendation…

There is a growing trend of chiropractic use in adults. In a recent survey of US adults who used chiropractic services, back pain (63.0%) and neck pain (30.2%) were the most prevalent health problems for chiropractic consultations and the majority…

In this update, I will summarize key points from recent scientific literature regarding the practice of chiropractic, patient profiles, utilization rates, chiropractic assessment and care methods. Much of the information comes from the excellent…

I am pleased to provide ongoing support to World Spine Care as a founding member. World Spine Care is improving lives in under-served communities through evidence-based, inter-professional, sustainable spine care.…

Today, we celebrate the birthday of the chiropractic profession, Sept. 18. Chiropractic’s first adjustment is recognized each year as Chiropractic Founder’s Day. On this day in 1895 (122 years ago), Dr. Daniel David Palmer gave the first…